1/1/01/ 12:00 AM ES Time Debut of The Realm of Majin Kakorroto

The Realm of Majin Kakorroto is now up! All you guys out there, send me your Fanart Fan Mangas SSJ pics of yourself whatever. I want your input on my site I want to know what you think, what you think could be better, do you love my site? do you hate my site.................asshole. I basically need input i tried to make an all flash site last tme but for some reason only some of my friends could see it and I couldnt get on any search engines so tell me if you out there can see my flash version or not, but in case you can't I have set up a backup site for all you non flash users and slow connecation people, also submit me some ideas for the dbz game i will be making entirely from scratch hopefully with some help from my friends that know VB code.

12/30/00 11:36 PM ES Time The Dragonball Z game to be done by Infogrames

Funimation has licenced the company Infogrames for the american release of a DBZ Game. Infogrames is the bringer of such titles as Rollercoaster Tycoon, Driver and Off Road, However the Subdivision that is going to be designing the game is wizard works. Those of you who know wizard works know that this is not a good thing for a DBZ game. Wizard Works has released those god-awful Deer hunter games which one after the othe seems to be nothing but a crappy half-asse version of the previous game. You've most likely seen these games in the bottom of that big bin of out dated PC games, Thing about that is the Deer Hunter game is new. The other thing about wizard works is their series of paintball games which are also.....horrible. If you think I am just complaining because I wine about pretty much anything that is FUNimation you can check some of the reviews given to these games on Gamespot.com or IGN.com. There seems to be only really good games and really shitty ones made by Infogrames, hopefully wizardworks can pull it off and atleast let the DBZ game smack somewhere at the low end of the good spectrum.


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