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シェン論の謎, Shenron no Nazo, The Riddle of Shenron

Game rating 2.5/10 To put it bluntly this game just sucks.

Dragon Power(US) | Shenron no Nazo(JAP)

This was the very first Dragonball game, it has average graphics for it's time and it's gameplay resembles that of the very first legend of Zelda game. This game follows the story of Gokou and Bulma searching for the dragonballs, y'know the we look for the dragonballs and the Oolong wishes for some idiotic thing that type of stuff. This was also one of the very few Dragonball games to be released in US and Japan, however the US version is hooribly cencored. They made Kame Sennin look like some kind of wizard that was not perverted but wanted sandwiches, man where the hell did they come up with that one!?

Shenron no Nazo: Gokou Kicking | Bulma Caught | Dirty old Man | Battle Field

Dragon Power: Gokou Kicking | Bulma Caught | Hungry old Man? | Battle Field


代魔  不課柘, Daimao Fukatsu, Return of the Demon King Piccolo

Game rating 4/10 Eh...this game was OK if ya like an easy quick game get this one.

This game takes place at the very end of the dragonball series, with Gokou's final battle with Piccolo Diamao. This is a really quick game you could almost always beat in in less than 1 hour. Although it was short, and easy it was pretty fun...probly because it was so easy.

Gokou's House | The Map | Gokous Attack


悟空伝, Gokou Den, The History of Gokou

Game rating 2.8/10 This game was a sequil to the last game, except shorter beleive it or not.

This game is a sequel to the last game, this one was also short even shorter than the last game. I personaly didn't think it was possible, I would only recomend getting this one unless you have the previous game.

Title | Map | Gokou's Attack


居所! サイヤ人 Kyosho! Saiya-jinn, Attack of the Saiya-jinn!

Game rating 1/10 This game has a terrible way of getting around!

This game is extreamly frustrating , whenever you move one way it takes up a space, if you want to move back and go a different way it takes another space away so base on what card you get ,you'd better know exactly where you want to go! Overall this game is bad because of that one movement feature, and the fact that the card system is tough to figure out.

Title | Piccolo Kickin Ass | The Team | Uhg the Dreaded Map!


げきしん―フリザ, Gekishin Fruriza, Lord Freezer's Rage

Game rating 3/10 Easy fun, classic RPG type.....except for those friggin cards!

This game takes place on Namek, you have to keep the dragonballs away from Vegeta and Kiwi, and also try to avoid a fight with them. also guide Gokou to Namek and his troubles with gravity and his space ship. This was another easy as hell game.

Enemies! | Kulilin Shooting ki blasts | Da Map | Vegeta v.s. Freezer


れ千  人ぞ人間, Resen Jinzoningen, Violent Battle with the Androids

Game rating 3/10 Ahh the Androids and Cell Saga good Saga.....crappy game.

This game took on everything that you may see Trunks in, from where Trunks kills Freezer bot to where Gohan kills Cell. I realy gave this game a break because I love this saga.

Map | Battle | Piccolo Firing


天下一武道会,  Tenkaichi Budoukai, The World's Greatest Martial Arts Tournament

Game rating 5/10 Barcode Scanner is neat......how many characters will there be in this one?

This game comes with a barcode scanner and a tone of these little cards, you can buy more if you could ever find them considering this game is extremely rare! You may be able to find this game on ebay for under $300, or you could just download the rom and enter the barcodes yourself.

Scannin Time! | Kulilin v.s. Freezer | Budoukai


サイヤ人舌メツきえかく,Saiya-jinn Zetsu Metsu Kiekaku, The Plane to Eliminate the Saiya-jinns

Game rating 4.5/10 Alright they made this game at the same time as the OVA Hooray!!!

This game goes hand in hand with the OVA movies, The DBZ OVA acually used the maps from this when the DBZ characters moved from one are to another, when I first saw it I remembered this game and had a good laugh. The story line is the same as the OVA and it is fun to play.

KAMEHAMEHA | Map | Battle Feild | Piccolo and Vegeta


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